Trap Neuter Return (including vaccinations) is the only effective method to stabilize and eventually reduce the community cat population. Every city and town in America needs to have an uncomplicated TNR program that makes it easy for the ordinary citizen to participate.
When all citizens can participate, nuisance complaints will be reduced, the number of cats and kittens brought into animal control to be euthanized will also decrease.
The current Milwaukee ordinance is cumbersome and deters average citizens from having one or two cats that may be hanging out in their yard sterilized. The current ordinance requires "colony caregivers" to commit to a training and record-keeping program for their "colony" of cats. They must also commit to feeding, watering and sheltering the cats. Many citizens who are unwilling to make this time and training commitment will instead choose to leave the cats unsterilized.
On Thursday, March 19 at 9 a.m. the ordinance will be discussed at the Public Safety Committee meeting at City Hall. Supporters of Trap Neuter Return are encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend you can email your letter of support for a revised Trap Neuter Return program to [email protected]
The documentation and recommendations from both the Wisconsin Humane Society and the Department of Neighborhood Services can be found at this link: