CC: Henry Rosoff WITI Fox 6 News
Date: July 29, 2012
RE: 5/3/12 MADACC Facilities Follow up Letter
Members of the MADACC Board, Honorable Tom Barrett, David Flagler,
Again, I bring the need for improved MADACC facilities to your attention. There are two areas of the contract that warrant concern and your action. In order to comply to the agreement in place, with the 16 municipalities of which it is contracted, STATE of WISCONSIN, MILWAUKEE COUNTY Resolution no. 09-11 A Resolution to Approve the updated and amended “Domestic Animal Control Services Agreement,” for the Milwaukee Animal Control Commission…
P 4A, 5A, the contract states that monies should be used to repair, renew, and add to the assets at MADACC.
Scope and Extent of Services Exhibit C
1. Provide shelter for stray and running-at-large dogs and cats, also safekeeping and quarantine. Include housing, feeding, veterinary care. Comply with State law with regard to shelter and care; will use euthanasia only as a last resort.
6. Provide limited adoption service
David Flagler has a good, strong plan of action that will enable MADACC to fulfill these parts of the MADACC agreement, currently being neglected, by THE ADDITION OF AN ADOPTION WARD. This must be approved. It will require NO extra tax payer dollars! The building is paid off. The Board, The Mayor, must get behind these improvements to end the 50% euthanasia rate.
What are other Midwestern A/C facilities doing? By focusing on animal welfare in 2011:
Dane County had 6271 admissions and 2971 adoptions = 47% adoption rate.
Minneapolis had 4300 admissions and 1408 adoptions = 33% adoption rate.
Chicago Animal Control had 1340 adoptions, twice MADACC’s. What do they have in common: They all have adoption wards, with public viewing. They give the animals, not transferred to humane societies and rescues, the opportunity for direct adoptions. And it brought in incremental revenue. Dane County 2011 adoptions brought in $176,000.00. Where is MADACC in this equation? In 2011, with “virtual only” adoptions on Pet finder & social networking, out of 12593 admissions, MADACC had 653 adoptions, or 5%. You could easily double that with an adoption ward. According to the contract, you have to do everything before euthanasia. Why wouldn’t everyone approve the addition, knowing it will not cost extra money. Knowing what other large A/C facilities are doing.
Take the first step. Make it a done deal. Approve Flagler’s 2013 MADACC Budget for an adoption ward. MADACC cannot fulfill its contract to the municipalities it serves, without full Board cooperation.
Linda S.