Every citizen deserves to be protected from ALL reckless dog owners, not just reckless owners with the targeted breeds of dogs. Everyone needs to be held equally accountable.
BDL can be a disincentive to dog license compliance, so communities may lose licensing revenues that could have been used to fund important animal services.
BDL can drive business away. Dog shows, sporting events, and other pet-related events are not likely to be held in areas where certain dogs may be confiscated for attending. Tourists with targeted dogs will also choose not to visit. Businesses will have trouble attracting new employees who will chose not to relocate because they own one of the targeted breeds. Business owners who own targeted breeds will choose to either leave town or not establish a new business in town. Landlords who are not permitted to rent to targeted breeds will suffer a loss of income.
BDL makes animal control officers, police officers and the animal shelter, the enemies of the community by forcing them to seize and destroy well-behaved family pets.
BDL results in costly lawsuits. Citizens who feel their constitutional rights are being violated, their dogs were wrongly identified as a "dangerous breed", or residents of towns with local BDL that contracts state law, can and have brought lawsuits against their municipalities.
BDL is costly to individual dog owners, who must relocate or surrender their family pet. The emotional cost to pet owners cannot be measured. When dogs are not banned, but are subject to restrictions, pet owners must bear ordinance-imposed financial costs as a result of the requirements that they maintain higher libability insurance limits or purchase expensive containment systems. This financially penalizes responsible families.
Read more here.....http://animalfarmfoundation.org/pages/Breed-Specific-Legislation