There are approximately 40 dogs being held from multiple cases.
How long have the court case dogs been held?
Six dogs from one fight case were seized by MPD on 6/10/11. These dogs have been held ever since; the case is still unresolved. So far this amounts to 3.7 years.
What are the costs to the taxpayers for holding one dog for a day? For 40 dogs for over one year?
Estimates have varied between $14 and $18 a day. The average is $16 a day. For one year, this comes to $233,600 ($16 a day for 40 dogs x 365 days). For 3.7 years, the bill comes to $864,320!
Are there any standards for the conditions that they are being held in, that are mandated by the state? Are there any laws in place that give these dogs any minimum quality of care? Are they allowed volunteers for visiting hours, training, or enrichment?
What condition are these dogs in physically & mentally? Can we get any information on them? What are their ages? Breeds? Intake numbers?
Unknown. MADACC will not release any information related to an ongoing investigation.
Why are they still being held?
Wisconsin State Statute 173.12 states that an animal seized in animal fighting be held to a separate standard than a victim of cruelty in other types of cruelty cases.
What happens at the end of the case?
The dog(s) may be euthanized simply on the basis of its looks and/or age:
If the animal is one year old or older or shows indication of having participated in fighting, the animal shall be disposed of in a proper and humane manner.
What is being done in other states?
Many states have instituted Costs of Care laws for seized animals (example, Delaware and Pennsylvania). For more information, just search for “Cost of Care of Seized Animals”.
What laws are “ready to go” and will help the court case dogs?
WI Senate Bills: SB191 & SB319; WI Assembly Bill: AB230
What has to happen to get these bills active again?
Sponsors are needed to bring these bills up again. A public hearing is required in their appropriate committees. The Senate bill needs an identical Assembly bill (SB191 and AB230 are identical, SB319 needs an Assemblyman to sponsor an identical bill in the assembly)
Have any of these bills gone to a public hearing?
Yes, AB230 passed the Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security unanimously (Ayes 7, Noes 0) on 10/29/13.