Pat Jursik
In response to this letter dated April 29, 2012
Dear Ms. Jursik:
I am writing to ask you to clarify your stance regarding Breed Specific Legislation, or BSL. Specifically, I would like to know if you are supporting such legislation in-and-throughout Milwaukee County, WI.
While I am grateful for all you do to ensure the safety of us Milwaukee County residents, I am concerned about a rumor I heard that indicates you are trying to enforce legislation that will prohibit the citizens of this country from owning certain types of dogs.
As I’m sure you are aware, entire breeds of dogs have been labeled as “dangerous” because of the actions of a few of their members and/or the behaviors of animals mistaken as their types. As I’m sure you are equally aware, reputable national organizations including the ASPCA and the Best Friends Animal Society have conducted studies of BSL and have decisively concluded that such legislation is both ineffective and unnecessary in terms of protecting the populace in a given area from dangerous animals.
If you would like to study the issue of BSL further before announcing your position, I will be happy to provide you with a plethora of information that discusses both sides of the matter. After all, if this county adopts BSL in any form, the legislation will affect, if not alienate, thousands of families that have whatever type of dog(s) is identified as “dangerous” in their homes…so I will be happy to put forth the effort to collect and send any information you would like to review to your office.
Thank you for the time and consideration you have given to this letter, my inquiry, and my offer. Thank you, too, for weighing your position on BSL with an open mind after considering all of the evidence available on the topic. Finally, thank you in advance for responding to this correspondence.