On March 8th, Wisconsin state senator, Tim Carpenter, put bill, LRB 1643/1, before his colleagues and asked them to co-sponsor the legislation. LRB 1643/1 was drafted to make significant and meaningful changes to Wisconsin’s laws regarding animals seized by a city, county, town, or village.
The deadline for state legislators to express their support for this potentially “game-changing” bill is 12pm on Friday, March 22, 2013, which is a mere two weeks away from the date this post was published. So, as voters and animal lovers, we must make the most of this limited window by contacting our respective state representatives and senators to ask them to support LRB 1643/1…and by asking everyone we know to do the same.
If you are unsure about who your district’s current state senator or representative is, you can easily research your legislator’s name by clicking here. When you contact your state legislator, make sure you tell the individual you want him or her to support LRB 1643/1 and remember to share your name.
Among the significant changes LRS 1643/1 is drafted to achieve are shortening the length of time animals seized under Chapter 173 or Chapter 951 are held in captivity by a city, county, town, or village and enabling courts to require owners to reimburse the entity that seized their pets to pay for costs incurred by the authoritative body to house and care for their pets after they were seized.
To learn more about why you and each of our state’s legislators should sponsor LRB 1643/1 as well as the exact changes the bill purports to make to Wisconsin’s laws, click here.