According to the area’s constable, “We [residents and law and health department officials] have found ourselves in a quagmire.” The gentlemen went on to explain that he is powerless to present complaints about what is occurring on Rockville Road to the sheriff because people who are contacting him with their concerns are refusing to leave their names and numbers. Without those pieces of information, the constable cannot approach the region’s sheriff about taking legal action. To encourage people to step forward, the constable assured the meeting’s audience members that they would have to do nothing beyond sharing their names and contact information in the context of ensuring justice is meted out in this instance.
When the community’s board president spoke, he said he is investigating whether or not the presumed hoarder is breaking any laws he is presently unaware of and promised to get a humane official involved with dealing with the situation. He also stated that he will contact the town attorney to see if the Rockville Road resident can be held legally responsible for hoarding animals again.
Recently, two sheriff’s officers went to the supposed hoarder’s home to check on the animals living there. While they were denied entry to the house, they were given permission to walk around the property. During their time there, the two officers saw caged animals who, in their opinion, appeared to be in good health.
On Tuesday of this week, representatives from Manitowoc’s health department visited the property and they, too, were denied entry to the home because the resident claimed to be in the midst of a cleaning project. The representatives intend to return to the property at a later date.
Link to Milwaukee Animal Welfare Examiner article:
Link to news story from WeAreGreenBay.com http://www.wearegreenbay.com/1fulltext-news/d/story/update-possible-animal-hoarding/20338/Reb7fsE_jkeWdTjk8DzsSg