This is a bill we actively supported and followed last spring and summer. As last reported on our blog, the bill had passed unanimously in the Senate and also out of the Assembly Judiciary Committee. Why it never made the schedule on the Assembly floor this fall is a sad mystery.
This past week, we sought a status report from Rep. Andre Jacque (R- D ePere), the state assemblyman who co-authored the bill with Sen. Tim Carpenter ( D -Milwaukee).
Rep. Jacque sent this response:
“While I am disappointed that AB 141 has not yet been passed, I have been in communication with legislative leadership and am confident that this extremely important legislation will be acted on early next year, at the same time that I anticipate passage of legislation that ensures uniform interstate enforcement of domestic violence protective orders.”
We urge the state legislators to take action in early 2016 and pass the bill on to Gov. Walker for signature. Many voices were heard during the public hearings and there was no opposition. Domestic violence victims and advocates shared tragic stories about beloved pets killed by abusers in order to punish and intimidate them. Don’t let their testimony be in vain.
For information on the link between animal abuse and domestic violence: http://nationallinkcoalition.org/
Denice Ryan Martin, a volunteer with Wisconsin Voters for Companion Animals, is a freelance writer, licensed social worker and animal welfare advocate. She first wrote about this topic in May 2013. http://www.wivotersforcompanionanimals.com/blog/leave-no-pet-behind-why-wisconsin-needs-a-law-to-protectpetsfrom-domestic-violence